CBSE Class 12 Mathematics 2024 Exam - Analysis & Solutions by O.P. Gupta
By Admin / Mar 13, 24
CBSE Class 12 Maths question paper and solution PDF can be accessed here.
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducted the Class 12 Mathematics exam on March 9, 2024. As per the review shared by students and teachers, Maths Question Paper was Tricky and Lengthy in some regions, where as some students felt the paper to be doable and based on sample question papers. Check CBSE 12th Maths question Paper detailed analysis below.
Students can watch CBSE Math question paper analysis and answers to some important questions via YouTube here. This analysis was hosted by TIMES NOW NEWS and full video is available on their channel here.
As per the question paper Set-1 (Q.P. Code 65/5/1) from Delhi Region, the difficulty level was Easy to moderate. However, a few MCQs were tricky and required good understanding of concepts to solve.
Detailed Analysis for Delhi Region (Series Q5QPS/5; Q.P. Codes 65/5/1, 65/5/2, 65/5/3)
Dear respected educators!
On 09 March, 2024 CBSE conducted class XII Maths annual exams. Different set of Question Papers were presented to the students across the country in different regions (which is a normal practice by the Board).
P.S. Please feel free to add your own perceptions / remove any of my observations.
Q.P. Code - 65/5/1
01. Tricky (such questions are mostly expected from Chapter-1).
02. Conceptual, easy (if student takes transpose of matrix and then use A=-(Transpose of A), then it will become lengthy).
03. Easy.
04. Conceptual, easy (using A(A^–1)=I will make solution simple).
05. Easy.
06. Lengthy, easy.
07. Easy.
08. Easy.
09. Easy.
10. Easy, conceptual (knowledge about the relation between slope and dy/dx required).
11. Easy.
12. Easy.
13. Easy.
14. Easy.
15. Lengthy.
16. Easy.
17. Easy.
18. Easy.
19. Easy.
20. Tricky.
21. Tricky.
22. Easy. OR Easy.
23. Easy.
24. Easy. OR Easy.
25. Easy.
26. Easy. OR Easy.
27. Easy.
28. Easy. OR Easy.
29. Easy. OR Easy.
30. Easy, lengthy.
31. Easy, lengthy and conceptual.
Remark. This topic ‘Probability Distribution and its mean’ has been there in CBSE Syllabus (2023-24), but in new NCERT Textbook this entire topic has been deleted (refer Chapter-13). Throughout the year, teachers and students kept asking whether to do ‘this’ topic or not. Though at our limited reach, we tried to explain the importance of this topic and to follow ‘CBSE Syllabus’ strictly. But still, there were some students left who didn’t do this topic and they were shocked to see this particular question there in the exam hall.
32. Easy. OR Easy.
33. Easy.
34. Easy. OR Easy.
35. Easy.
36. Easy.
Remark. There was a typing error in this question and it lacked clarity in ‘alternative’ question in the (iii) sub-part. Some students couldn’t understand whether they have to do the upper sub-parts (i), (ii) and (iii) in (a) or just do (b). Although looking at the pattern of official sample paper released by the Board, the (iii) sub-part is supposed to have alternative in the case-study.
37. Easy.
38. Easy.
Q.P. Code - 65/5/2
02. Easy.
05. Easy, conceptual.
07. Easy.
11. Easy.
12. Easy.
13. Easy.
14. Easy.
21. Easy.
23. Easy.
27. Conceptual.
30. Easy, conceptual.
31. Easy.
35. Easy.
Q.P. Code - 65/5/3
02. Easy.
05. Easy.
07. Easy (though this sum is based on the concept of derivative of a determinant; but even if the student is unaware of this concept, still s/he can solve it by directly expanding the det. and then doing differentiation). 11. Conceptual, easy.
12. Easy (here the options (c) and (d) both are same as, eloge=ex1=e).
13. Easy.
14. Easy.
21. Easy, conceptual as restrictions on x are given.
23. Easy.
27. Easy.
30. Easy.
31. Easy.
Remark. First two sentences in this question mention the word ‘marbles’ while later on, the word ‘marbles’ was replaced with ‘balls’ in the original question paper. It was a case of typing error.
Add to that, please refer the ‘remark’ given above in Q31 (Q.P. Code - 65/5/1) about probability distribution.
35. Easy.
In my view, the Question Papers with Series - Q5QPS/5; Q.P. Codes 65/5/1; 65/5/2; 65/5/3 - are carrying Easy and moderate difficulty level questions. Though some Tricky questions could be seen in Multiple Choice Questions (Section A); also the typing errors should have been avoided.
Analysis of all the Question Papers of different regions shall be done soon.